Saturday 12 August 2017

The Face Shop The Solution Nourishing Face Mask Review

Hai semuaaaaaa! Udah lama banget nggak update dan bingung mau nulis apa. Ya, aku bukan blogger sejati dan cuma ngepost semauku aja :P BTW, aku pernah menulis review tentang The Face Shop The Solution Nourishing Face Mask di sini and yes, aku cuma copas tulisan aku sendiri :P Aku dapetin masker ini gratis dari . Kalau kamu mau coba produk terbaru secara gratis, sing up now and get em all! Tentu nggak sepenuhnya gratis, kamu harus nulis review tentang produk yang udah kamu terima. Dan kamu harus sabar karna peminat di sana banyak dan reviewer yang terpilih terbatas. Kalau kamu mau yang lebih sedikit pasti, kamu bisa coba juga sign up di .

Balik ke review!

Yeah, senang sekali bisa mendapat kesempatan untuk mereview The Face Shop The Solution Nourishing Face Mask ini.
Bagi yang belum tahu, The Face Shop ini dari Korea loh. Kebayangkan wajah-wajah artis Korea yang mulus-mulus dan flawless itu.
Aku itu salah satu penggemar masker. Perawatan wajah yang satu ini memang praktis dan bikin wajah terasa lebih segar. Oke ga usah banyak basa-basi, mari kita bahas tuntas masker ini.
Waktu pertama aku lihat kemasannya, aku kira kotor dan sempet kecewa tapi setelah aku lihat lagi, ternyata cuma mata aku aja, design kemasannya memang begitu.
Di bagian depan ada nama mask dan brand juga ada gambar unik tube propolis gitu dan saat aku lihat bagian belakangnya, tulisannya Korea semua? (mata aku bermasalah lagi). Setelah aku telusuri tulisannya ke bawah, ternyata ada bahasa Inggris.
Di situ ada ingredients, cara pemakaian, dan lain-lain dalam bahasa korea yang nggak aku mengerti. Yang bikin aku tertarik dengan masker ini adalah kandungan propolis yang dapat membantu mengatasi masalah jerawat, mengencangkan kulit, menjaga elastisitas dan membuat wajah menjadi sehat dan segar. Masker wajah ini berupa sheet mask yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan. Sheet mask seperti ini memang favorit aku banget.
Saran penggunaan: Bersihkan wajah terlebih dahulu, diamkan masker selama 10-20 menit. Tepuk-tepuk wajah agar sisa essence menyerap ke kulit wajah.
Waktu dibuka, essencenya banyak banget dan agak lengket, tapi itu bukan masalah. Saat membuka lipatan masker memang agak sulit, dan aku bukanya hati-hati sekali (takut sobek). Saat diaplikasikan ke wajah juga kurang pas sama wajahku, maskernya mungkin terlalu besar atau wajahku aja yg terlalu bulat.
Saat diaplikasikan ke wajah, rasanya adem dan aroma maskernya pun nggak menyengat, lebih rileks dan kalem. Aku pakai maskernya lebih dari 20 menit karena sempet ketiduran. Aku pakai sekitar 40 menit lalu aku copot, tapi essence-nya masih terlihat banyak di wajahku, mungkin karena tipe wajahku yang cenderung berminyak. Aku tepuk-tepuk sampai essencenya meresap walau agak lama dan aku nggak cuci muka setelah pakai.
Dengan The Face Shop The Solution Nourishing Face Mask wajahku jadi terasa kencang dan lebih segar. Wajahku juga terlihat kenyal dan sehat.
Recommend? Yes, untuk kalian yang tipe kulitnya normal atau kering. Untuk kulit yang berminyak seperti aku, kurang pas karena essencenya kurang maksimal diserap kulit, tapi kalau hanya untuk menikmati sensasi rileks dan dinginnya untuk aku nggak masalah. ‌
Repurchase? Maybe, karena aku suka banget sama sensasi dingin dan aromanya itu.

Ada pertanyaan? Silahkan tulis di komentar atau langsung ke sosmed aku
ig: @iratseluya
snapchat: @iratseluya
fb: Ayu Lestari

Friday 8 July 2016

What Hurts Their Hands Doesn't Hurt Mine

"Explain me, Rose." I said "Why are you hiding ?"

"I've hurt everyone. I cannot let myself hurting anyone anymore." She cried.

She had been breaking her own thorns everyday so that nobody gets hurt. She had also done everything she could possibly do to conceal them, but it wasn't enough, someone still got hurt. She used to have some visitors. They said she was the most beautiful flower, flawless, but after a few months, even days, they would leave her because of her visible thorns that hurt their hands. But me, i've seen it all, and i knew.

 It's been a year since the last time we talked face to face, i haven't forgotten how beautiful her crown was. I visited her often in spring, wishing she'd come out along with the other flowers welcoming people. But she never showed up. I somehow managed to talk to her, but there was this wall she build around her preventing me or anyone else to see her. It was always look like i'm talking to a wall, that's what people said. Not a single topic of conversation she liked seemed to entertain her anymore. Every time i asked her to go somewhere, she refused. She said she likes to hide in her wall and be on her own instead of going out meeting new people and acting for fake stories.

I brace myself that day to visit her and tried harder to get in her wall. What surprised me was she let me in. She stood up, showing me her sharp thorns and her beautiful crown. She was in tears, then she started to break her thorns again.

"You're hurting yourself by breaking your thorns." I said, trying to stop her.

"What do you know that i don't know? I've hurt a lot of people by showing them. You always want to know why i'm hiding, now you know why."

"But, i already know them. You've got such beautiful thorns. I just don't know why would you hurt yourself just to get people to like you."

My words stopped her. She turned her back to me, yelled at me to get out.

I didn't visit her for a few days, but i didn't give up on her. I walked pass her place everyday but i didn't dare to knock on her wall, nor even talked to her. One day i found her pieces of thorns, looked like she was breaking them again. I knocked on her wall, no answer. I get in her wall, she wasn't there. I decided to look for her around the garden, but she was no where to be seen so i came back home. I stepped inside, and she was there, smiling at me, and with watery eyes she asked,

"Why do you keep trying?"

"Because i know who you really are, and i like you the way you are." I said, unexpectedly uttering my feeling towards her.

"But i hurt people." She cried.

"And i love you, and what hurts their hands doesn't hurt mine."


...And i want to be them.
I want to be that stranger who talks to you, sees you close, and that one who gets to feel the touch of your skin.
I want to be your dream catcher that you hang above your watch  your dreams and to make sure they're good for you.
I want to be the smell of the rain that you always miss when the morning comes.
I want to be your cup of pink tea, the one to quench your thirst.
I want to be that clock you have in your room. I can turn back the time, stop it, pause it, speed it up, slow it down, bring you the past and future, whatever you want.
I want to be  your slip on shoes that you proudly wear around the town. I'll keep you safe, nothing's ever left you scarred.
I want to be the car you've always dreamed to have, the one you can always drive under a raging thunder storm.
I want to be the song you always listen to in any condition, in any emotion, in every thing.
And i want to be the person on the other side of the phone calls you hear your laughter, your cries, your angelic voice, your stories of different genres, i will never get bored of them.
I want to be your everything, something you can always count on...
Something you can be proudly in love with.

Sunday 15 December 2013


I can feel your warmth in a cold madness
I can feel your heart beats in a thousand miles
Cause baby i know you're still locked in my line
Said you're broken but you're all fine
Don't you know it's hurting me
When you left me without saying a word
Breaking all dreams i've arranged
For a bright future day ahead

It's cold babe so come closer
Don't make things become harder
And when you start to wonder
I'd say, baby we were born to be together

Don't you know it's hurting me
To create a fake smile while there's a tears flood inside?
Destroy the levees that i build
And leave the pieces under the heavy rain

No, don't go any further
Cause the storm is mad outside
So baby stay by my side

Friday 13 December 2013

Spells That Actually Work

Are you tired of being you? Are you feeling unloved? You have no money to buy a couple of shoes? Are you searching for spells that might change your life and save your time? Huh?
You actually won't get those spells here! #opps

Here are some spells that actually really work! I promise you.

Ancient Spell to Kill a Beast
1. Get a spear.
2. Aim the spear.
3. Throw the spear.
4. Repeat until the beast is dead.

Spell to Make Money
1. Put on some tight attractive
2. Go to a busy street corner.
3. Dance as well as you can for passing cars and pedestrians.

Spell to Get Measles
1. Find someone who has measles.
2. Lick them.

Spell to Turn Day Into Night
1. Stand facing a large tree or wall.
2. Close eyes tightly.
3. Keeping eyes closed, run straight ahead as fast as you can.

Spell to Turn Night Into Day
1. Lay down when it is nighttime.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Wait 8 hours.
4. Open your eyes.

Spell to Breathe Under-Water
1. Attach concrete block to your feet.
2. Jump into water.
3. Breathe normally and sing the tune to "Flipper".
4. Takes about 5 minutes for lungs to adjust.

Spell to Commune With Pink
1. Pour glass of vodka or alcoholic drink of choice.
2. Drink.
3. Repeat steps 1-2.

Spell to Attract Lightning
1. Cover yourself in metal: jewelry, chains, golf clubs, nails, nuts & bolts, hubcaps, etc.
2. Go out into a thunderstorm and hold a long TV antenna high in the air.
3. Wait.

Spell to Stop a Runny Nose
1. Get two cotton balls.
2. Shove one up each nostril.
3. Tape them there.

Spell to Make a Person Fall In Love
With You
1. Call person at least thirty times a day.
2. Park outside their house and shut your headlights off.
3. Leave sweet tokens on doorstep (i.e., roses without petals, a nice headless Barbie doll, etc.).
4. Follow them everywhere they go... careful, they'll try to lose you!
5. Don't worry if they get that silly restraining order, that means the spell is working!

Spell to Make a Person Fall Out of Love With You
1. Forget getting a restraining order.
2. Get a gun or other weapon of choice.
3. Wound or maim person with weapon.
4. Throw person in an area with lots of wild carnivores
5. Wait.

Spell to Make Your Computer Fast
1. Open a window.
2. Defenestrate the computer.
3. If the computer hits the ground really fast, the spell worked.

Alternate Spell to Make Your
Computer Fast
1. Turn on your computer
2. Deny it food.

Spell to Save on Gas
1. Cut holes in floorboards of car.
2. Remove shoes.
3. While still seated, pedal feet really, really fast.
4. Scream "Yabba Dabba Do!"
5. (Optional) Invite passengers to join in the fun!

Spell to Go to the Bathroom
1. Drink so much water that you think you will burst.
2. Drink another glass anyway.
3. Wait ten minutes, then guzzle a can of soda.
4. Repeat step 3 as often as desired to increase the spell's effect.

Alternate Spell to Go to the Bathroom
1. Eat a bushel of prunes.
2. Take a dose of ExLax.
3. Wait.

Spell to Make Something Disappear
1. Open a window
2. Grab the object you want to make disappear.
3. Defenestrate the object.
4. Close the window.

Spell for Reincarnating Yourself
1. Acquire a pistol and ammunition.
2. Load the pistol.
3. Point the pistol at your head.
4. Pull the trigger.
5. Wait.

Spell to Make Yourself Fly
1. Open a window
2. Defenestrate yourself.
3. Flap your arms vigorously and repeatedly say "I'm flying!"
4. If you don't hit the ground, the spell worked.

Spell to Get Red Eyes
1. Take a spray bottle of Windex™.
2. Aim nozzle at eyes.
3. Spray.
4. Repeat 20 times.

Spell to Get a New Car
1. Get off the computer.
2. Go to a car dealership.
3. Chose a care. Take a test drive. Repeat until a satisfactory choice is made.
4. Make arrangements to trade in your old car for the new one chosen.
5. Drive home and wait.
6. When the new car arrives, go back to the dealer.
7. Drive home.

Spell to Go Through A Wall
1. Get a sledgehammer.
2. Hit a wall continuously until a large enough hole appears.
3. Go through the hole.

Spell to Change Your Eye Color
1. Visit ophthalmologist.
2. Get prescription for contact lenses.
3. Fill prescription with colored contact lenses.
4. Put in colored contact lenses.

Have a nice day! ;)
